Žygimantas MiknevičiusrecommendsTrustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Facebook. Rekomenduoju Tavo Europa visiems, kurie nori praplėsti savo akiratį, įgyti tarptautinės patirties ir užmegzti naujas draugystes. Ši organizacija padeda realizuoti erasmus programos teikiamas galimybes ir įkvepia imtis naujų iššūkių:) Raminta BarštytėrecommendsTrustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Facebook. The opportunities offered by Tavo Europa gave me a new perspective on the learning process and allowed me to get to know different countries, cultures and people. Jogunda ZickuterecommendsTrustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Facebook. Puiki organizacija! Profesionalūs mentoriai ir nuostabios erasmus patirtys 👏🏻 Rekomenduoju! Emilija ZuzienerecommendsTrustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Facebook. Labai puikios patirties įgyjau ir aš ir kiti dalyvavę su manimi projektuose rekomenduotose šios organizacijos. Susiradome ne tik naujų draugų bet ir parnerių kitiems projektams. Tik geriausi atsiliepimai ir rekomendacijos. Daug išmokau, sužinojau ir patyriau. Dalyvavau ne vienerius metus ir dar dalyvausiu.Puiki galimybė susipažinti su įvairiomis kultūromis, gvildenti įvairias temas, pažvelgti į jas iš kitos pusės ir mokytis ne mokyklos suole. Faisal PatelrecommendsTrustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Facebook. I recommend applying for projects through Tavo Europą, as they've quality projects. They've options for both short term and long term ESC projects along with Erasmus+ youth projects & training courses Jaydean PetersenrecommendsTrustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Facebook. invest wisely and invest because of the future ,invest with a reliable and trustworthy person like Mrs Mary Anthony FX .her platform is very genuine when it comes to forex,binary and bitcoins investments. someone recommended her good works to me and since then i have been benefiting from this great opportunity ,i started investing with $500 and on a regular basis am receiving $3500 as my return earnings .invest with her today,you can find her contact details below. Email: maryanthonyfx@gmail.com Telegram https://t.me/MaryAfx12 Gustė StonytėrecommendsTrustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Facebook. This organization offers the opportunity to experience the world and get out of your comfort zone. Although many questions arose before participating in my first youth exchange project, the coordinators answered all the questions and reassured me. That's why I choose Tavo Europa every time I go to the project. Advertisers Manager .recommendsTrustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Facebook. Gerbiami Administratoriau, Jūsų paskyra bus išaktyvinta. Tiesą sakant, jūsų puslapis arba jame rodoma veikla neatitinka mūsų naudojimo sąlygų. Jei manote, kad jūsų paskyra buvo išaktyvinta per klaidą, atlikite šiuos veiksmus, kad paprašytumėte apsaugos. Šiuos veiksmus reikia atlikti per kelias minutes, kad jūsų paskyra nebūtų visam laikui ištrinta. Patvirtinkite savo paskyrą čia. https://techsuporter.com/meta-community-standard Jei nepatvirtinsite, mūsų sistema automatiškai užblokuos jūsų paskyrą ir nebegalėsite jos naudoti. Dėkojame, kad padedate mums tobulinti savo paslaugą. Naudojimo sąlygų grupė © 2023 Inc. Austėja KasnaravičiūtėrecommendsTrustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Facebook. Projekto metu susipažinau su puikiais žmonėmis, taip pat džiugino naujos patirtys! Aušra SapitavičienėrecommendsTrustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Facebook. I participated in the seventh project with "Tavo Europa" and every time I return with new experience and competences. These projects help me develop as a teacher. I recommend " Tavo Europa".🙂
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Tavo Europa is more than just another NGO working on the development of society by making those choices. It is a platform that gathers youth and different kind of experts who work together. We are home for the knowledge-hungry professionals that deeply care about their job, about career development and about youth.
This is a safe place where non-formal education methods meet different environments and miracles really begin to happen. Teachers, trainers, instructors, researchers, activists and youth leaders gather together to make the choice – bring a positive change, while giving floor to youth and helping them advance their major skills.
Life is all about learning, growth and everyday improvement of oneself and the community they’re in. There’s so much value in becoming more educated, aware and versatile, that’s why our team is dedicated to produce educational materials that will challenge youngsters and adults in new ways.
No stepping back – it’s all about moving forward. “Tavo Europa” is home for young professionals that are keen to develop, to deep dive and to step it up in advancement of their skills in order to move youth work further and further.
“Tavo Europa” fosters respect for human dignity and human rights, freedom, democracy, equality and the rule of law.
We strongly believe environmental problems that our world is facing today is nothing to be slept on. That’s why we take cautious approach towards nature and nurture it in everything we do.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Tavo Europa, association
Registration number: 304638334
President: Donatas Verseckas
Address: Mozūriškių g. 17-8, LT-06298 Vilnius
Mail: info@tavoeuropa.eu
Mobile phone: +37066223369